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in reply to Steffen K9 🍮

@Steffen K9 🍮 C. I think the federation protocol will provide most of the protection we need; and in any case Threads is better than Xitter by a nauty mile, so any marketplace pressure we can put on "content creators" to get away from the latter is something of a win for everyone.

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in reply to John Douglas Porter

@John Douglas Porter @Steffen K9 🍮 Which part of the AP protocol provides measures against aggregated data collection for commercial purposes?
in reply to Andy H3

@Andy H3 @John Douglas Porter @Steffen K9 🍮 IIRC by default profiles and posts are public and available via e.g. RSS already so I'm not sure what data would be protected by defederating

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in reply to Steffen K9 🍮

@Steffen K9 🍮 @support My tendency would be to federate until Threads engages in behavior that would get any instance blocked. Even if Meta engages in the community in good faith (I mean, it's possible however unlikely) there is still an organizational learning curve around content policies and enforcement that we've seen many instances go through.

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in reply to Steffen K9 🍮

Personally, I strongly disagree with the idea of integration with Meta.

Corporations profess ideologies of empires, their only goal is to seize and subjugate whatever it is they touch. And that's why everything human they touch turns to shit. These wizards can do no other miracles, and there are plenty of examples. It's a very old trick to buy up, subdue and then fuck it up if it gets in their way. Meta and others like it have only one goal - to control the users in order to promote their business projects. And a complete lack of any ethics to achieve it. "The end justifies the means" - you know it? So if there's still a place for normal communication, we should save it. And get Meta and all the servers-collaborationists out of here with a pissing rags. These two worlds shouldn't mix. Don't drag their the law of the henhouse (cheating on those closer and to shit on those lower down) in here as a behavioral norms.

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in reply to Wandering Thinker

@Steffen K9 🍮
I agree with @Wandering Thinker -- it is not necessary to wait for Meta to sh* in OUR living room, to know that they will sh* in EVERY living room to which they are admitted.

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in reply to Steffen K9 🍮

I'm really curious what you imagine Meta will be able to do which other bad-actor nodes haven't already tried.

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in reply to Steffen K9 🍮

This is the current way and will deal with I have restricted - but not blocked - the domain in the configuration of both nodes. Means, only limited (technically necessary) profile data is transmitted to Apart from this, communication is possible. You, as user, can ignore (mute) the domain individually if you want to.

Current way to handle is basically option B+C. 😀 Let's see how this works. I'll keep an eye on that topic.

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in reply to Steffen K9 🐰

@Steffen K9 🐰 @Steffen K9 🍮 I'd say to go with option C. I have also mixed feelings. Leaving Facebook data collection aside (which can be mitigated, at least on my end, when creating a new container in Firefox - despite I already have one for Facebook), I am curious to see what atmosphere will the Threads users bring up. For me Threads is an opportunity to leave Facebook for good and direct people I know to follow me here.

However I heard the Romanian (at least) part of Threads (the one I, as a Romanian, am interested in) is a bit edgy. It is fun, but borderline fun. I'm not sure how that will influence the vibe of this place and my Fediverse experience in general (okay, I get it, they're the same people I would meet on the streets, but still).

Btw, when will they start federating everyone on Threads?

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in reply to Cătă

As far as I know federation via ActivityPub is build as opt-in for the users. Means, the amount of content coming from depends on how many users will activate that option.

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in reply to Steffen K9 🐰

@Steffen K9 🐰 @Steffen K9 🍮 Is the option live right now? I knew they were only working on it and that was the way they thought to go forward, but they got some backlash over it. I don't know really much, sorry.
This entry was edited (3 months ago)

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in reply to Cătă

For some selected accounts AP support is enabled. I can see some traffic in the log files but not that much.

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