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"when will Bluesky add gifs"
"when will Bluesky add video"
"when will Bluesky add DMs"
"when will Bluesky add polls"
"when will Bluesky add muting words"


in reply to Poe


  • Mastodon can not handle GIFs, just like Twitter it converts them to a video format.
This entry was edited (6 months ago)
in reply to Peter Nimmo

no place actually has DMs. Your messages have yo be stored somewhere. Do you want a corporation to be able to snoop through them to mine your data or use them as evidence against you for profit, or someone who is being held accountable by their peers?
in reply to Rotfarm

fair comment. It occurs to me that there was never a time when our communications were entirely private. The UK security service, MI5, are supposed to have used kettles to steam open envelopes so they could read letters sent via Royal Mail!
in reply to Peter Nimmo

While kinda true, there's a vast difference between trying to locate and read specific physical letters manually (among millions) - and software scanning server data.

On other systems it is a given that DMs are at least stored encrypted - Mastodon's private messages are plain text therefore literally no effort would be required to process them.

However that still requires access to the servers since data-in-transit is encrypted even if data-at-rest isn't.