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Groups - how to make - how to promote - how do they work

!Friendica Support

I was looking over the list of available groups in Friendica.

I'd be interested in creating 1 or 2 myself.

I found a doc page showing how t make one:

But, in my current friendica account, the create button is not there. Why?

I will have my own friendica node installed soon. Will this allow me to do other things?

Can I just create one in my friendica account, or is this an admin only ability?

Once created, how are the promoted/distributed through out the fediverse? There seems to be a listing of groups on the friendica directory list:


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in reply to Joseph Hogan

@Joseph Hogan the Wiki entry is for Circles, but what you mean is a Froum and the entry for that is this one

There are two ways to create a forum.

you click on the plus sign as in the picture (but this only works if the admin of the instance allows multiple registrations.


you register a second account and user account - advanced account/page type you select community group

This entry was edited (3 months ago)
in reply to Joseph Hogan

@Friendica Support
HI there.

Thanks for you ideas.

I read recently that forums were changed to groups, so I am not sure which is old vs bew.

I will have my own node up and runnning in the coming days, so I will look into the creating forums/groups.


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