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In the US, Zelenskyy is meeting with representatives from factories making weapons for Ukraine, and talking about his deep felt gratitude towards the US workers, who are producing the weapons which allows Ukraine to defend itself.

Politically this is a brilliant move, which clearly illustrates how helping Ukraine is tied closely to US employment. Zelenskyy is effectively making anti-aid equal to anti-US workers — a position which will be very expensive for Republicans to take.

in reply to Randahl Fink 🎬

on the other hand, Heritage and the GOP power brokers are meeting with Orban to sabotage this...
in reply to Randahl Fink 🎬

well the primary talent of GOP is to convince people to act against their own interests as long as it hurts someone else even more.
This is barely a challenge.
in reply to Randahl Fink 🎬

@Randahl Fink was there an photo op for president Zelenskyy with workers shaking hands? That would be so down to earth if he actually did that.
in reply to Andy H3

@Andy H3 I don't know enough about US pol, but I know that every president shits their pants because of the high organization degree.
in reply to utzer [Friendica]

@utzer [Friendica] Sure. But there's there's also the danger of looking too much like a populist. Boris Johnson, for example, wearing a high vis vest and shaking hands on the factory shop floor has occasionally been accused of this.