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Someone just showed me Facebook's new AI generating reply feature.

A truly mindboggling mixture of LinkedIn style toxic positivity, surreal reply questions, and debased statements lacking contextual insight!

Are we finally witnessing social media getting utterly devoid of its "social" aspect?

in reply to Andy H3

Yep, soon you will have just AI talking to AI and people can quit FB at last.
in reply to Andy H3

 — (33.80662185 -117.91690008848516)
@Andy H3 I think this is the start where Social Media doesn't need humans anymore to fool the advertising industry and people who hunting for a big range of influence ;)
If you like to catch some hackers you build an IT infrastructur "honeypot" this is their honeypot ;)
This entry was edited (3 weeks ago)
in reply to hoergen

@hoergen you actually make it sound good! I didn't see it from this side.

Thanks, there's still hope. 😊 🌻