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The butcher is hopefully dead!

Reisi was one of the key executioners and architects of the mass execution of political prisoners in Iran in August-September 1988 where over 10000 political prisoners, most of them had already served their sentences, including my teacher, my brothers childhood friend, my sister's brother in-law and several friends of relatives of me.

I wanted him to live and be charged for his crimes against humanity, bit since it's not possible in today's climate, this is the next best thing.

#Iran #Reisi #Politics #History #HelicopterCrash #1988Massacare #NeverForget #PoliticalPrisoners #IRI

in reply to Brynndylow, they/them

Content warning: Open for a confession

A helicopter with IRI president Reisi went down shortly after lift up in Azerbaijan province of north western Iran.

The bad weather is making the rescue operation difficult.

Hopefully he didn't survive the crash.

#Iran #Reisi #Accident #Helicopter #IRI #Reisi

What is your dream road trip? Where would you start? Where would you end up? What stops would you make along the way? It can be short or long, whatever interests you!

"Nothing exists but social media. No one does anything offline. So the entire measure of someone’s commitment is how much they post about their commitment."

Thank you, Rebecca Solnit.

in reply to J. Nathan Matias 🦣

“I have it on good authority that Greta Thunberg is against carbon dioxide emissions and yet emits carbon dioxide with every exhale.” 💯

There is a Kanji for Alpaca. #japanese #japaneselanguage #kanji #japan #...

Love these

Each non nazi white person needs to convert 5 white nazis.
in reply to StillIRise1963

that's a tall order. Fascists by definition reject rationality as a decision making mechanism and replace it with emotionality. Emotions drive them. They use rational thinking to justify their emotions and to justify their vile actions.

And violence. They worship violence.

I'm not sure how to convert them.

In my mind, and maybe I'm wrong here, the best bet is getting the "both sides are the same" types to recognize they're not the same and fascism is an existential threat.

Like I and others have been saying since Trump won the FIRST time...get your shit together, white people.

You are voting for Trump and fascism, not us.

This entry was edited (13 minutes ago)

Black people do not exist to be a moral compass for white people. FIX YOURSELVES.
in reply to StillIRise1963

We're still countering a whole cultural base & literature saying that is why we exist, here mainly in the context of serving that end. It's the Bizarro World, and once again it's an election year.

StillIRise1963 reshared this.

I love a crisp butty on a sunny day so that's what I'm having now.
in reply to Pam C

Well either way they’ll get to try 2 decent Brit delicacies 😂😂😂

Lining up Black men to be the Fall Guys if Biden doesn't win. Even though Black people and Black men specifically makeup less than 13% of the national population. Every time it's the same shit.
in reply to Adam F. Lawton

Wild when you consider that Trump wouldn’t have any shot at all if so many white people didn’t support his dumb ass.

in reply to Kierkegaanks, π/🦴

I'm not an ornithologist or vet, but given that I need to clean off seagull shit from the car *very* quickly or it can attack the clearcoat (and it is a constant battle living near the coast) I think you are pretty much right about this..

Attention, #fediverse. My wife and I are private pilots and visiting Paris and Bordeaux in the fall. We’d love the opportunity to fly the French countryside. Any recommendations?

#aviation #flyga #flyFrance

Attention, #fediverse. Ma femme et moi sommes pilotes privés et visitons Paris et Bordeaux à l'automne. Nous aimerions avoir l'occasion de parcourir la campagne française. Des recommandations?

#voler #VolerEnFrance #FranceParAvion

J'espère que mon français n'est pas trop terrible…

hi everyone,

i'm currently seeking new job opportunities, preferably remote, but at this point, i'm open to ANY possibilities and international positions. my background is in administrative work and copywriting, and i'm always eager to learn and adapt to new roles. unfortunately, my current position hasn't been paying due to "managerial disputes" so i'm urgently looking for something new.

i live in the philippines (manila, philippines) and would greatly appreciate any leads or recommendations.

please boost for visibility! thank you so much for your help!

#getfedihired #fedijobs #FediHire #urgent #jobsearch #jobs #remotejob #remotejobs #onlinejob #onlinejobs #boost

This entry was edited (29 minutes ago)

"Even intentional law-breaking was to be considered when designing the system. The reality is that drivers do speed, and they get distracted by their phones or other passengers in the car. 'Don't pretend that there are laws that you know everyone will follow,' Tingvall says. 'That's very unprofessional. You would never do that in aviation or in other areas where you really care for safety.'"

#PublicHealth #MotorVehicles #cars #accidents #roads #science #epidemiology

No African Americans have ever lived on this soil feeling safe.
in reply to StillIRise1963

I'm sad to see a post like this. But I also wonder of it is a true statement.

Are you telling me Barack Obama didn't feel safe *ever*? Michelle Obama? I've worked with many African Americans who felt pretty safe.

This kind of hyperbolic statement is not helpful in a larger conversation. Where is it coming from? It seems to be an outlier to the posts you usually make. Did something happen?

in reply to Rob

in reply to Rob

Did YOU DECIDE how you Black “coworkers” felt? How white do you think that is? Are you the arbiter of Black safe? What do you know about it? Do tell?
This entry was edited (2 minutes ago)
in reply to Rob

@rob Since you ACCUSE ME of not know what I’m talking about when it comes to BLACKNESS, please tell me what YOU KNOW about how safe Black people feel here? Tell me. How safe do WE FEEL? Share, since YOU KNOW and I DON’T.